My name is Neil George. In 2017 I took early retirement in order to concentrate on my photography.
I have been taking photographs for over 50 years and from an early age have been interested in using the camera to capture something other than a representational photograph (a picture of what is in front of the camera). As the years have passed, I have come to view the camera not as a way to take pictures but as a way to capture raw materials that can be turned into pictures. 
The kind of work I do now is often referred to as abstract/expressionist. Under the banner of Ellipsis Photographic Art, I use techniques such as ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), Multiple Exposure and digital manipulation of images. This builds images that are often more abstract in nature or are attempting to capture a mood rather than detail. 
All my images use only photographs that I have taken. There is never material from any other source in an image and I have made a decision to not use Artificial Intelligence to generate content. My main inspiration continues to be the natural world, particularly trees and water, but also shapes and lines in man made objects.

(Ellipsis Photographic Art is part of Neil George Photography)
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